What an incredibly positive review today of Gregg’s new book, Conservative Comebacks To Liberal Lies, by the one and only Thomas Sowell in Human Events. This is simply amazing, congratulations Gregg!

Human Events
Explosive Facts
By Thomas Sowell

Each year about this time, some parents write in to ask for suggestions of things for their children to read during the summer, in order to counteract the steady diet of liberal-left indoctrination they have been getting in schools and colleges.

This year there is a new book that is almost tailor-made for that purpose. Its title is “Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies by Gregory Jackson. In it, all sorts of political and media spin are shot to pieces by hard facts.

Wow! And he’s only getting started,

If you think that the Constitution of the United States provides for “separation of church and state,” that George W. Bush is not as smart as either Al Gore or John Kerry, or that the big-money donors to political campaigns give more to the Republicans than to the Democrats, this book provides documented facts showing the opposite.

The book goes literally from A to Z, with 26 chapters covering subjects from abortion to zealots who are terrorists.

Some of the facts cited are historical facts and some are statistical. Among the historical facts is that there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution about a “separation of church and state,” despite how often that phrase has been repeated in the media, in politics, and even in courts of law.

Read the whole, incredible review of Gregg’s book by clicking this link.