What in the world are they thinking among the GOP leadership in Congress? The 1994 revolution is dead as doornail right now. The current congressional GOP deserves a beating in the 2006 mid-term elections. I don’t think they’ll get it because of the ineptitude of the opposition and because on the most important issue of our time, Iraq, they are rock solid.

However, on nearly every other issue, they are a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT. They have yet to make the Bush tax cuts permanent. They go along with Democrats in a silly PR game to demonize the oil industry, THEY CAN’T REIGN IN THEIR OWN PORK SPENDING, ETC.

And now this

Congress Helps Self to $3,100 Pay Raise

WASHINGTON — The Republican-controlled Congress helped itself to a $3,100 pay raise on Friday, then postponed work on bills to curb spending on social programs and cut taxes in favor of a two-week vacation.

and this,

House votes to cut $700 mln in food stamps

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Friday to cut $700 million from the food stamp program, despite objections from antihunger groups complaining that estimates show some 235,000 people would lose benefits.

Only the most blinded partisan can feel good about the congressional GOP at this point. What will it take to get our reformers back? What will it take to get back to the principals and positions that won the majority in the first place?