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Former Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Burglar, er, Berger, has pleaded guilty to stealing classified documents from the National Archives prior to his testimony before the 9/11 Commission.

An honest mistake he called it. They all do.

ABC News was kind enough to run the headline, “Berger to Plead Guilty to Taking Materials”. Not classified materials, just materials. Paper clips, stamps, pens…what materials? Jeeez.

You remember Sandy Berger. He was the Clinton point man on that mysterious organization that seemingly mushroomed into an international menace overnight.

Washington Post, Feb. 20, 1998, Mary McGrory, “Amid the Monica uproar, a call to arms.”

According to George Magazine, “[Clinton] went to the extraordinary length of assigning his national security advisor, Sandy Berger, to be the administration’s Scientology point man.” Berger even briefed Travolta as would a senior senator, George reports.

Travolta was part of Clinton’s efforts to soften his portrayal in the film. Travolta went to Washington to promote Scientology just before Primary Colors began filming, reported George. Travolta told the magazine, “The next day, I met with Clinton. He told me: “Your program sounds great. More than that, I’d really love to help you with your issue over in Germany with Scientology.” I was waiting for the seduction that I had heard so much about. I thought, “Well, how could he ever seduce me? And after we talked, I thought, Bingo! He did it. Scientology is the one issue that really matters to me.”

Hollywood pretty much has the run of the Clinton White House, even we have learned lately, the National Security Council. National security adviser Sandy Berger parlayed with actor John Travolta on the matter of the Germans being less beastly to the Church of Scientology, of which John Travolta is a member. The Germans say that Scientology is not a religion but a cult, a position that was long held by our government. Time magazine called Scientology “a hugely profitable global racket that survives by intimidating members and critics in a Mafia-like manner” Embarrassed, overworked White House spinners explain that Clinton is a bear for religious freedom. They are shocked that anyone would think there was any quid pro quo in the equation, even if Travolta plays Clinton in a forthcoming movie, Primary Colors….” (Hat tip:

The blog No Caliban has been asking the right questions,

I am much more curious to learn whether the appropriate government entities are
going to review his fitness for further access to classified material.

I am not suggesting that Berger misused any information as chairman of Stonebridge, a senior adviser to Lehman Brothers or the law firm of Hogan & Hartson. But in Washington, knowledge is power, and secret knowledge is great power. With no access to secrets, Sandy Berger could be out of business.