Following Secretary of State Condi Rice’s interview on Meet the Press this morning this is what the enlightened leftist bloggerKos had to say:

by kos
Sun Oct 16, 2005 at 09:52:02 AM PDT

Insane. Condi Rice on this morning’s Meet The Press:

“The fact of the matter is that when we were attacked on September 11, we had a choice to make. We could decide that the proximate cause was al Qaeda and the people who flew those planes into buildings and, therefore, we would go after al Qaeda … or we could take a bolder approach.”

We could destroy the people who attacked us, or we could let our attackers off scott free to go after an unrelated and unthreatening foe.

That’s not “bold”. That’s “fu….. idiotic”. (I removed the rest of the expletive)

Wow. Now that is insightful and well thought out Kos. And that is the “analysis” one finds at the left’s #1 blog.

To borrow an earlier sentiment/paraphrase from our Senator Spandex (John Kerry) : I can’t believe we are losing to these guys. If this type of incendiary and vacuous pablum is the best “anlysis” the mainstream left “thought leaders” can offer regarding the most important issue of our time the War on Terror, Bush and the GOP only have themselves to blame for such low approval ratings right now.

How many times do we and other members of the New Media/blogosphere have to recount the clear and present danger and imminent threat to our country posed by Sadaam that even Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and John Kerry publically ackowledged on numerous occassions or the many documented links between Sadaam/Iraq/ and terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda? At this point, it boggles the imagination that the “blame America first crowd” led by the Kos, Moveon, Sorros, Michael Moore, et al. continue to make these absurd assertions which have been thoroughly debunked. They are like mind numbed robots (“Bush lied” false, “Halliburton/blood for oil” false, “Bush coordinated 9-11” false Arguing with liberals like those who frequent the DailyKos would be analogous to having a thoughtful conversation with a three year old.

Nowhere in the post is there any mention of the historic nature of the high (60%) Iraqi voter turnout or significance of adopting a constitution in a free Iraq or what it will mean to have a thriving liberal democracy in the heart of the Middle East… Zip, Zilch, Nada. Talk about a visceral hatred of your country and a mentally unstable preoccuption with one man George W Bush. I can’t imagine what it must be like for lefties such as Kos to get through a typical day.