One of my favorite blogs, Right Wing Sparkle says that Carter is 30 years too late. That is true. But I cannot think of a single thing he has said in those 30 years that make as much sense as this,

Former President Jimmy Carter yesterday condemned all abortions and chastised his party for its intolerance of candidates and nominees who oppose abortion.

Mr. Carter said his party’s congressional leadership only hurts Democrats by making a rigid pro-abortion rights stand the criterion for assessing judicial nominees.

“I have always thought it was not in the mainstream of the American public to be extremely liberal on many issues,” Mr. Carter said. “I think our party’s leaders — some of them — are overemphasizing the abortion issue.”

Sure Jimmy Carter has shed too many tears for terrorists. He’s too cozy with tyrranical dictators and his pretentiousness knows no bounds. But this makes perfect sense to me.