Tonight on Pundit Review Radio our guest will be Michelle Malkin who will be talking about her excellent new book Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild
Michelle has a post today about the vile, hateful rhetoric the compassionate folks on the left hurl at her, and her family, on a regular basis. She is one tough women. Anyone who reads her work knows why she stirs up such emotion and hatred…because she has the left cold on the facts and they simply can’t deal with the attention.
If you want to listen, or call and ask Michelle a question, here are the details,
Sunday Evening, 9pm EST
Streaming Live at Bostonâ??s Talk StationWRKO
Call us with questions for Michelle at 877-469-4322
About Pundit Review Radio
Pundit Review Radio is where the old media meets the new. Each week Kevin & Gregg give voice to the work of the most influential leaders in the new media/citizen journalist revolution. This unique show brings the best of the blogs to your radio every Sunday evening at 9pm EST on AM680 WRKO, Bostonâ??s Talk Leader.