What’s up with Kerry’s filibuster call, and Hillary joining in his defeat? The Massachusetts Senate duo has even taken up blogging with the Kosmonauts? What is going on?

Bill at INDCJournal has the right idea, You’re killing the Democratic Party:

I have one complaint for Kos, Atrios, et al: hurry it up a bit, will you? We’d like to get on with building a viable two-party system from the ashes.

Todd Zywicki, writing at Volokh Conspiracy hits home with this obversation,

given the apparent inability of liberal talk radio (e.g., Air America) to get traction, I wonder if this has anything to do with the way that liberal and conservative blogs have evolved into having different structures. Think of it this way–if John Kerry were a conservative, he would have probably phoned-in a filibuster to Rush Limbaugh rather than blogging on Daily Kos. This leads me to wonder whether one explanation for the apparent difference between conservative and liberal blogs is that in some sense conservative blogs and talk radio work in tandem with each other, whereas liberal blogs essentially have to perform simultaneously both of the functions served by two distinct outlets by conservative media (talk radio and blogs). My impression is that liberal blogs tend to be in some sense larger and more centralized (such as Daily Kos), whereas conservative blogs tend to be more plentiful, smaller, and more decentralized in structure.

Even a relaible Bush hater like Joan Venocci of the Boston Globe is unimpressed,

Calling for a filibuster is a late, blatant bow to the left…Kerry’s enthusiasm for a filibuster is harder to fathom, except as more of the same from a perpetually tone-deaf politician. Why volunteer to look like a creature of the left if you are plotting a second presidential campaign? The perception helped undercut Kerry’s first presidential campaign.

HT: Instapundit

Armando over at Kos is blaming the vast right wing conspiracy for the Democrats problems,

Whatever happens in the next few days, as always the Media will do whatever they can to make Democrats look bad. Here’s my advice to Democrats who stand for the Constitution, DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM. Don’t let them explain you. You explain why you oppose Samuel Alito’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.