Michael Yon was busy when he was back here in the states. In addition to traveling, conducting interviews and research for a book, he was putting together more than 100 volunteers, ex-Military, as part of The Frontline Forum,

an alternative channel for compelling stories from those now wearing boots and carrying rifles and not comments or those endlessly forwarded unattributed “true” stories that always seem airbrushed. This is a place for those deployed in harm’s way to tell real stories about the ground situation.

Our goal is for frontline information to break through and be heard. We hope that over time, a more comprehensive and accurate picture of what is happening on the ground can emerge.

There is a more comprehensive mission statement here. I have no doubt that a more accurate picture will emerge. Michael Yon brings it straight, without an agenda. The good, the bad and the ugly. I believe that people can handle that and support the war at the same time. The problem is, we primarily get the bad and the ugly from the MSM.

Spread the word, support The Frontline Forum.