If you are not incorporating the leading resources from the new media when comes to the war in Iraq, then you are not getting the full picture. We are not talking about pro-war boosterism, but sober analysis, insight and perspective that you don’t often find in the MSM.

Strategy Page: Watch the Trends, Not the Headlines

What you see in the Iraq news, is not what you get. The news business demands startling headlines, to attract eyeballs. It’s business, as the eyeballs are rented to advertisers to pay for it all. But the reality of the news is less startling, and consists of trends. These are the current trends in Iraq.

Belgravia Dispatch on The State of The Iraq Insurgency

This war is simply crying out for new leadership at the Pentagon, but the President is too blind to see this and belatedly accept Rumsfeld’s resignation. But I haven’t given up hope yet, as I know that Rumsfeld’s fate is not as certain as he would have us believe with his cocksure manner. He’s in large part damaged goods (William Buckley rather damningly called him a “failed executor” of the Iraq War in a Bloomberg interview over the weekend), and increasingly a political liability for Bush. There is still hope the President will come to realize this in coming months, and as it will have a material (albeit admitedly not determinative impact) on the course of the war, I believe a positive one, I will continue to push for his dismissal or resignation in these pages, even if this inevitably has me appearing a tad Ahab-like on this front.

Bill Roggio is looking at The Battle for Baghdad

The Iraqi government and Coalition are making an effort to secure Baghdad, as Operation Scales of Justice demonstrates, however the question that remains is this effort good enough to get a handle on the problems with the insurgency, militias, and gang violence.

Iraqi blogger Mohammed from Iraq The Model

Forming a unity government and activating the constitution to stop the spread of fanaticism and control the militias cannot be done overnight but doing this as fast possible can greatly reduce the chances of the radical Islamists to manipulate the situation and I am asking the wise politicians of Iraq to start working now and to remember that their differences must not stop them from confronting a greater danger that threatens all of them without discrimination.

The Democracy Project is asking…
Media in Iraq: Cowardice or Cheapness

In response to the supportersâ?? charge of bias in the media coverage of the war in Iraq, some in the mainstream press raise the defense of the courage of reporters in the war zone. There are many courageous reporters. A more central problem, however, is the cheapness of the media in devoting resources to the war.