It has already been established that George W. Bush causes cancer in Hollywood liberals,

January, 2006

Actor Sean Penn admitting that the stress of living under the current administration was making it tough for him to quit smoking.

And now unfunny comedian Richard Lewis has infomed us that he is slipping back into a state of depression, the kind he felt after quitting drugs twelve years ago. The reason, of course, the Bush administration,

Free Floating Democracy

Fast forward to now. I’m married, working, performing, doing charitable work, helping other addicts, and working for as many political candidates to get elected in 2006 as I can. And yet, with the free-floating anxiety seemingly under control for the most part, I still feel like a zombie just going through the motions.

The reason? The mountain of abuses and lies and corruption and rationalizations, along with the fear of a majority of politicians (especially of my own beloved Democrats) to really level with power and authenticity about the nightmare of this administration. That, coupled with the obliteration of separation of church and state, our privacy rights, the pathetic nothingness done to help the racist divide, rampant poverty and homelessness, pathetic under-funded schools for most of our kids, massive zero health insurance for almost 50 million people, and on and on. That this is happening while the gargantuan collection of egos in powerful places continue to obliterate the progress America should be striving for, is again tragically getting me close to hiding under the covers.

As if you needed another reason to despise these self absorbed Hollywood fools.

If we can’t find a unifying, brave, charismatic, All-American voice to attract enough voters to get their asses out to the polls to make this “land of the free” a land to be proud of for ourselves and for our allies to respect and quickly get on another course, I’ll probably keep writing jokes, but I’m certain I’ll be doing it from my bed with my only goal being to turn off the news and die sober.

This post could the the funniest thing he has done in years.