Our good friend Matt at Blackfive.net comments on one of the comments from one of our visitors regarding Kevin’s blog post “What-an-honor-pundit-review-hosts-editors-desk-podcast-at-militarycom” I could not agree more. Thanks Matt.

Over at Pundit Review on a post about their producing the Military.com’s Editor’s Desk Podcast this week, there’s a commenter claiming that questioning one’s patriotism is just a way to silence debate.

It could easily be argued that removing the patriotism question from the table is really the way to silence debate. Six months ago, I wrote the following about military blogs and our role in this war (and, yes, I do question the patriotism of the New York Times when they MANIPULATE words to fit their own template rather than tell the truth) – read on:

Matt concludes his post with these profound words and I could not agree more.

Until they are pro-victory, it’s not much of a stretch to say that they are not patriotic.

entire post here.