This is a fascinating read. One thing really stands out, the concern about getting the targets right and avoiding civilian casualties.

Major E, my formation leader walks into the briefing room, still in his jeans. He’s been called to come ASAP. What’s happening? He asks me. I update him, and we brief for our mission quickly. He is concerned about making mistakes, and bombing the wrong targets. He is experienced, and has been around long enough to see mistakes happen and innocent civilians killed.

He emphasizes that there is no rush, that we must check and recheck every coordinate we receive, make sure we understand EXACTLY what we are supposed to target.

“Get ready to receive targets,” announces the flight controller as we approach. Major E and I read back the information, verifying with the flight controller that we have no mistakes.

I sure wish I hit the “bad guys” and that there were no civilians hanging around the place.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah indiscriminately fires a rocket-a-minute at Israel

JERUSALEM, July 18 (UPI) — Shelling of Israel by Hezbollah militants in Lebanon reached a peak of one missile a minute for an hour Tuesday as Israel’s air force stepped up bombing runs.

By midday Tuesday, more than 1,000 missiles and other rounds had been fired into Israel in the weeklong cross-border barrage, the Arutz Sheva newspaper reported. However, while some Israeli injuries were reported, there were no fatalities, Ynetnews reported.