The use of GPS tracking on mobile devices has received a great deal of media coverage recently, most of it driven by the introduction of phone plans aimed at kids. Disney Mobile is one, Sprint Family Locator is another.

There is a much more interesting story developing in Boston involving GPS phones, city politics and unions.
State suspends 20 inspectors for not carrying GPS phones
July 10, 2006

BOSTON –Nearly all of the state’s building and engineering inspectors — including those who check boilers, air tanks and amusement park rides — were suspended Monday for refusing to carry cell phones with global positioning system tracking capabilities.

Public Safety Commissioner Thomas Gatzunis suspended 20 of the state’s 24 inspectors after he said they refused to carry the phones, despite an agreement with the inspectors union requiring them to carry them.

Gatzunis called the refusal to carry the phones “an act of insubordination.” He said the 20 have been suspended without pay for two days and would be required to accept the phones when they return to work on Wednesday or face further disciplinary action.

GPS equipped phones have been around for a long time. The only thing that has changed is that the city wants to activate that capability. If the city pays for the phone, and it is in the union contract, how can the inspectors refuse? Seems to me like a fireable offense. More info is sure to come out in the next day or so.

What do you think?