Only Howard Dean could produce these headlines on the same day,

Howard Dean compares Katherine Harris to Stalin

Howard Dean Calls for End to Divisiveness

and this,

Dean Calls Iraqi PM an ‘Anti-Semite’
Associated Press Writer

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean on Wednesday called Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki an “anti-Semite” for failing to denounce Hezbollah for its attacks against Israel.

Al-Maliki has condemned Israel’s offensive, prompting several Democrats to boycott his address to a joint meeting of Congress and others to criticize him. Dean’s comments were the strongest to date.

“The Iraqi prime minister is an anti-Semite,” the Democratic leader told a gathering of business leaders in Florida. “We don’t need to spend $200 and $300 and $500 billion bringing democracy to Iraq to turn it over to people who believe that Israel doesn’t have a right to defend itself and who refuse to condemn Hezbollah.”

I’ll ask again, what have the Republicans done to deserve Howard Dean? The man helps Republicans every time he opens his mouth.

Let’s hear from the alleged anti-Semite, who spoke before a joint session of Congress earlier this week,

Let me begin by thanking the American people, through you, on behalf of the Iraqi people, for supporting our people and ousting dictatorship. Iraq will not forget those who stood with her and who continues to stand with her in times of need.

Thank you for your continued resolve in helping us fight the terrorists plaguing Iraq, which is a struggle to defend our nation’s democracy and our people who aspire to liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. All of those are not Western values; they are universal values for humanity.

I know that some of you here question whether Iraq is part of the war on terror. Let me be very clear: This is a battle between true Islam, for which a person’s liberty and rights constitute essential cornerstones, and terrorism, which wraps itself in a fake Islamic cloak; in reality, waging a war on Islam and Muslims and values.

It is on this unwavering belief that we are determined to build our nation, a land whose people are free, whose air is liberty, and where the rule of law is supreme.

For the full speech, click here.

Finally, Dick Morris has an interesting article on the Clinton administration’s role in the Middle East and he comes to the conslusion that “True friends of Israel cannot let the Dems take power

Bush and his administration clearly see the Israeli attack as an opportunity to clean out terrorist cells that have come to be pivotal in Lebanon. With Hezbollahâ??s power extending into the cabinet in Beirut, it is clear that Israeli military action is necessary to forestall the creation of a terrorist state on its northern border.

While Clinton said he embraced the need for Israeli security, when the going got rough, he bowed to world opinion and called for a cease-fire. When the United States asks Israel to stop fighting, it is like a boxerâ??s manager throwing in the towel. The bottom line is that true friends of Israel cannot afford to let the Democrats take power in Washington.