A commenter on our blog suggests that there are “political” solutions to “military problems.” Essentially, he suggests that Israel should just sit down and reason with those Hezbollah chaps and all will be well in the Middle East.

We don’t “negotiate” with terrorists. Been there and done that with Carter and Clinton and it got us nowhere. We should not expect our friend and ally Israel to negotiate with them either.

Don Feder puts it best:

For these ravenous wolves, concessions, negotiations and ceasefires are the scent of blood. An outstretched hand is always answered with a kick in the teeth. Prior to the Second World War, Winston Churchill warned of the Germans, “The Hun is either at your feet or at your throat” — meaning you will subdue him or he will subdue you. That goes double for the Sons of Allah.” KILL ‘EM ALL. LET ALLAH SORT ‘EM OUT.
GrassTopsUSA Exclusive Commentary
By Don Feder

The currrent crisis in the Middle East is not “political.” Terror organizations and
terror states (Iran and Syria come to mind) have declared War on Israel (and are intentionally targeting the civilian Israeli population unlike the Israelis who continue to try to minimize civilian casualties while targeting military terror strongholds and installations in defense of their nation (Although this is a somewhat difficult endeavor given the propensity for Hezbollah to imbed themselves among heavily
concentrated civilian populations). You don’t “negotiate” with terror organizations such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah and countries such as Iran and Syria who have publicly stated that their goal is to eviscerate Israel from the face of the earth.

People who advocate the same discredited and failed “solutions” to how to respond to terrorist acts of war. Negotiating and appeasing terrorist organizations has back fired every time b/c terrorists perceive conciliation and appeasement as a sign of weakness and they prey on any hint of reticence. The Jihadist throat cutter that thinks that he is going to “heaven” with his “72 Virgins” after he straps a bomb to himself and blows up a pizza parlor full of innocent Jewish teenagers only comprehends brute force and that’s what our military is going to give the throat cutters and what the IDF is going to give Iran sponsored Hezbollah and any other terror organization that seeks its annihilation.

Again, more “negotiating” and “diplomacy” as John suggests the US and Israel engage in does not work. Been there done that. Feder puts it best:

“Ronald Reagan forced Sharon to let Arafat go and pull back. The U.S. sent in a peacekeeping force of Marines. The Sons of Allah thanked us by murdering 241 of them, in the 1983 bombing of the Marine compound in Beirut. (Hezbollah claimed responsibility, a fact little noted by the media today.)

“The Sons of Allah took the American withdrawal from Lebanon as a sign of our impotence. Along with Clinton’s pull-out from Somalia and Gomer Pyle’s non-response to the 444-day Tehran hostage crisis, this set the stage for 9/11.”

Will those mostly on the ideological left seeking “political” solutions in response to blatant acts of terror and war ever learn that the only viable “solution,” when dealing with crazed Islamo Facists who seek your total destruction, is to put as many of them as possible in body bags as quickly as possible before they kill you, your entire family, and fellow countrymen?