Know Thy Facts Not Thy Neighbor has this little tid bit.

James Howe author of “The Misfits” a book geared towards middle school aged children (12 and 13 years olds) when interviewed had this to say:

“I wanted him to be a kid who sees himself as cool, who sees nothing wrong with being attracted to the boy who sits next to him in art class as opposed to the girl on the other side of him.”

I could not agree more with Know Thy Facts Not Thy Neighbor who says:

Mr. Howe also introduces attraction, starting to date, and love in “The Misfits. Are these adult themes really appropriate for the schoolhouse curriculum? Have the “government run indoctrination camps (public schools)” ever advocated for and TAUGHT about attraction, dating and love to 12 year olds? Yes, the students talk about it amongst themselves in the halls but has it EVER been TAUGHT via books and stories? I mean, how much more agenda driven diversity lessons do our children need in order to graduate? Why is diversity and tolerance taught in the schools in the first place? Isn’t that up to the parents of the children?

Check out the 5-point plan the Democratic National Committee has developed to fight for homosexual marriage.

And people wonder why citizens can’t get out of Massachussetts fast enough?