Congratulations to Gregg, his book Conservative Comebacks to Liberals Lies continues to generate positive press.

Dr. Thomas Sowell got the ball rolling with an amazingly positive review earlier this summer, and now Gregg is being featured over at Human Events online. They just posted a Q&A with Gregg, asking a lot of good questions about the book, why he wrote it and what he hopes to accomplish.

“Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies” is organized as an A-to-Z reference book written for conservatives, right-leaning independents and disaffected Democrats. At 383 pages, it offers clear and concise conservative responses and comebacks to almost any issue.

How did your job as co-host of Pundit Review Radio help you write this book?

It confirms time and time again why I needed to write this book. I constantly hear ludicrous liberal claims that have no basis in truth. Many of these flawed claims continue to circulate even though they have been proven false for years. I wanted to clear up the misinformation that is flooding not only my radio show and but also the media in general. When callers to my show are confronted with even the first layer of counter argument, I have found that often liberals are out of facts and resort to name-calling.

Why do you feel that conservatives need help defending their values?
As Margaret Thatcher once said, â??First win the argument, then the election.â? Republicans who call themselves conservative have become too comfortable as the incumbent majority. As a movement, conservatism has in many ways lost its way. We must get back to basics by effectively articulating conservative ideas and standing on principles instead of adopting Democratic ideas such as the minimum wage, entitlement spending, protectionist tariffs, and amnesty for illegals.

Who do you think would benefit most from reading this book?
I would like to think that everyone will benefit from this book. But I believe grassroots conservatives will benefit the most. There is a critical mass of right-leaning independents who may be socially liberal but fiscally conservative who want to educate themselves. They may not have the time to read 50 different books on 50 individual issues, so in “Conservative Comebacks” I have provided a way for busy people to stay informed on the major issues facing the voters today.

To read the full interview, click here.

Next stop, Alan Colmes show on the Fox News Radio Network. Now that should be fun.

UPDATE: Gregg will be on the radio tonight with Barry Lynn. Barry is a regular talking head on all the cable news networks on seperation of church and state issues. He is an ordained minister, constitutional lawyer, and multiâ??decade activist. He currently is Executive Director of Americans United For Separation of Church and State.