Is this what liberals mean when they say they represent mainstream Americans?

From today.

Do you believe that it should be against the law for someone — anyone — to whisk a minor across state lines for an abortion without the knowledge or consent of the child’s parent, guardian or a court authority?

According to nationwide polls, 75-85 percent of the American people say “YES!”

And, Senate Democrats say “NO!”

But THAT’S NOT THE MOST SICKENING PART! Just wait until you hear — as radio personality Paul Harvey would say — “THE REST OF THE STORY!”

The Child Custody Protection Act (CCPA) â?? which would make it a federal crime to take a minor girl across a state line to get an abortion when her home state requires parental notification or court approval — had already passed the House by a vote of 270-157.

When the bill came up for a vote in the Senate last week, 14 Democrats sided with the Republican majority and PASSED CCPA by a vote of 65-34.

Then MINUTES LATER, Senate Democrats — including the 14 who voted IN FAVOR of the bill — reached deep into their bag of dirty tricks and found a way to EFFECTIVELY FILIBUSTER this bill which had already PASSED BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS!

Read rest of sickening story to see how Dick “The Turbin” Durbin took a page out of Senator “I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it” Kerry’s play bookhere.