This just in. Terror Surveillance Works. (Just like Supply Side Tax Cuts) Liberals like to call it “Domestic Spying” to scare people and make them think Bush wakes up in the morning and listens in to people’s telephone conversations for kicks. But the truth is that as Mark Noonan of GOP Bloggers says correctly:

What those on the left call “domestic spying” is actually just signals intelligence – it is the process whereby we listen in on enemy communications in order to determine their future plans. Some of the enemy are inside the United States, so we have to listen in on some communications in to or originating from the United States. The fact that this common-sense program has caused rage on the left is all we really need to know about the left: they are completely unreasonable about the war.

From GOP Bloggers


“During the investigation an unprecedented level of surveillance has been undertaken and that surveillance has had as its objective to gather intelligence and evidence in support of the investigation,” he said.

“We have been looking at meetings, movements, travel, spending and the aspirations of a large group of people. This has involved close co-operation not only between agencies and police forces in the UK but also internationally.

Mark Noonan points out correctly that this isn’t the first time that such surveillane programs which liberals have almost unanimously opposed have been successful thwarting terrorist attacks.


And liberals wonder why Americans don’t trust them with national security?