Another terrific review for Gregg’s book Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies: Issue by Issue Responses to the Most Common Claims of the Left from A to Z

Gene Lalor has an extensive review over at his excellent site, Citizen Journal,

Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies is not a handbook to be consulted halfway through a college debate. Itâ??s more a reference textbook, to be studied and cited in order to refute the peculiar and disturbed fantasies, the canards, the maliciousness of Americaâ??s liberals. If nothing else, liberals are often very well educated, very prepared, and very intent on tearing down what is good in America. To insure that they fail, Conservatives must become better educated, more attuned to their wiles, and better prepared to defend what we hold true when liberals launch their offensives.

I think we should always keep in mind Reaganâ??s â??shining city on the hill,â? that prosperous, powerful, united, safe and secure America that once was and which can be again. My personal hope, (a modest one, I think), is that my grandchildren grow up in a nation that is as great as, or better than, the nation I once knew.

Conservative Comebacks can help with all of the above.

While you are at Citizen Journal, take a look around, it is a group blog with lots of sharp and insightful commentary.

Have you bought the book yet? You should and you can by clicking here.