Democrats warn Chavez: Don’t bash Bush

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Two of President Bush’s staunchest domestic critics leapt to his defense Thursday, a day after one of his fiercest foreign foes called him “the devil” in a scorching speech before the United Nations.

“You don’t come into my country; you don’t come into my congressional district and you don’t condemn my president,” Rep. Charles Rangel, D-New York, scolded Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, was blunt in her criticism of the Venezuelan leader. “He is an everyday thug,” she said.

Did The Onion overtake What’s the matter, are the Democrats jealous because Hugo is a better Bush basher than they are? Worried he’s going to steal their best material? I mean, come on. After all that the Democrats have said about George Bush, this is almost too much to take.

What’s next from the Dems, John Kerry telling politicians how to defend themself against attack ads? Er, never mind.