Blue Mass Group has quickly solidified its position as the leading liberal blog focusing on Massachusetts politics. I check the site out multiple times per week to see what is happening in the Democrat primary for governor. I like to say that the value of blogs is when subject matter experts share their expertise and passion with the rest of us. These guys follow this stuff far more closely than I do, and I find value in visiting the site.

The editors (aka founders) of Blue Mass Group have endorsed Deval Patrick for governor.

Bob, Charley, and David — enthusiastically endorse the remarkable candidacy of Deval Patrick for Governor:

* Most thoughtful, substantive, and consistent of the candidates on the issues;
* Most inspiring leader and speaker in Massachusetts in a generation;
* Most independent of the moneyed interests and hackocracy that make our party far less than it could be;
* Most likely to beat Kerry Healey and Reed Hillman in November.

Fair enough, perfectly legitimate thing to do. In my visit to the site today, I came across an article ripping into the very candidate endorsed by the site. It is posted by CentralMAGuy, who takes issue with a TV spot of Patrick’s that hails,

the “landmark” legal cases he fought while head of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department under Bill Clinton.

CentralMAGuy goes on to highlight, among other things, a 1995 article by DLC founder Al From that takes a very tough stance against Patrick’s work at the Clinton Justice Department,

But in a… deeply disturbing line of cases, Patrick has aligned the Administration with his former colleagues in the world of minority pressure groups, the champions of set-asides, quotas, and other forms of preference for women, the disabled, and racial and ethnic groups, be they actual victims of discrimination or not.

CentralMAGuy closes with this,

There’s no doubt that Deval’s personal story is inspiring and that he overcame personal adversity to attain personal success. However, it is important that voters are able to square his campaign positions with his public and corporate records. It is also important that a potential Democratic nominee be able to stand in the face of relentless GOP attacks. It’s a sure bet that the Healey campaign has been sitting on a lot of this information for some time, as have right-wing blogs and publications, waiting for the right moment. But where has the press been, to ask the tough questions? To start, what do “justice” and “fairness” mean to Deval Patrick?

I’ll put aside the line about relentless GOP attacks, as if the Dems are not going to do the same. The point is that this is great information, stuff that I didn’t know, and I found it on a site that endorsed Deval Patrick for governor. You won’t find liberal versus conservative commentary, but you will find a healthy, vigorous debate between different factions of the left. And the best part of all, it is a moonbat free zone.