Larry Elder writes in Jewish World Review online in an open letter to Andy Rooney of “60 Minutes”:

You ask, in your recent “60 Minutes” commentary, for the president to finally flat-out “explain” why we have troops in Iraq. While busy preparing your commentaries, you perhaps failed to hear the president explain this â?? over and over and over again.

Allow me to try.

The world changed for many â?? apparently not you â?? after 9/11.

Saddam Hussein violated numerous United Nations resolutions following the first Persian Gulf War. Saddam’s military continuously shot at U.S. and British planes patrolling the Northern and Southern No-Fly Zones. He offered $25,000 to families of homicide bombers. We know he possessed chemical and biological weapons because he used them during the Iraq/Iran war, and on his own people, the Kurds.

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