Likely House majority leader Jack Murtha (Code Pinks’ Boy) had this to say today:

â??They donâ??t want a rubber-stamp Congress,â? Murtha said Tuesday night. â??They want a Congress thatâ??s going to stand up.â?

As for Bushâ??s future actions in Iraq, Murtha was blunt: â??Heâ??s not going to go on with this war.â?

Our friend Matt Margolis had this to say:

You can bet the farm that a Murtha-led congress will cut the funding for our troops and their mission, thus placing them in ever-increasing peril.

It will be Jack Murtha himself, not George Bush, who will turn Iraq into another Vietnam. And the consequences of another Vietnam this time around couldn’t be deadlier.

I could not agree more. That’s a great morale booster for the troops huh? They must feel really confident I am sure.

Unfortunately, Republicans who were elected by large majorities in 2000,2002, and 2004 to advance the conservative agenda on which they campaigned failed to lead instead opting to secure incumbancy via earmark spending and emulating Democrats. “Values voters” (a euphemism for social conservative Christians) and Pocket Book/War on Terror conservatives and independants sent a strong message to Republicans that they had better heed in the 24 short months leading up to the 08′ elections. “Do what you say you’re gonna do or we are not going to vote for you anymore.”

But the reality is that the Democrats are more likely than Republicans to actually follow thru on their campaign promises which in this case has always been “strategic redeplyment” of the troops in Iraq (another euphemism for redeploying the troops strategically back home in the United States of America). The libs now control appropriations and have the authority to cut funding for the troops. And everybody that has studied history (Viet Nam in particular) knows that millions will die in Iraq as a result of de-funding them. The Jihadists will then control Iraq, a significant ammount of the world’s oil supply, and the “central front” in the War on Terror. America will have waived the “white flag” of surrender.

If Americans think that the Jihadist threat will diminish, they are sadly mistaken. Cutting and running will demonstrate that Ameirca lacks the will to win. This will only embolden the throat cutting savages and increase thier recruiting and confidence. They are in this to the end. They have made their intentions unambiguously clear that their goal is to destroy Israel and the United States and Western Civilization in general by imposing Sharia law on the world and establishing a global Caliphate. All who fail to willfully submit to Allah will be killed.

There is only one remedy for the threat we face. And appeasement is not it.

I pray that Americans wake up and realize that we are now the lone defenders of Western Civilization.

Time is running out.