The Democrats did the right thing, telling Nancy and the Gang NO when it comes to putting Jack Murtha in a leadership position. This is a great sign of sanity for the Democrats. If they can maintain an anti-Pelosi, centrist coalition, that is going to go a long way towards solidifying their position in the majority. I’m not saying that is a good thing, just that that is the only way the Democrats can do it. The country didn’t suddenly lurch to the left and adopt the far left positions of Nancy and the liberal democrats. They are looking for a change from the status quo of the Republican congress that forgot why they got the majority in the first place.

Now for the Republicans, what have they done to help themselves since the election? Select Mel Martinez as chairmen of the party over a guy like Michael Steele? What a bad, bad move. A missed opportunity of epic proportions.

Red State had the best line of all calling Martinez’s selection, The Harriet Miers of GOP Chairs. Ouch.

How about their picks for leadership in the Senate? Mitch McConnell and Trent Lott. Talk about tone deaf. Sure, McConnell is a solid conservative, and Lott knows how to operate in the Senate and get things done. But there is more to it than that. What about the media, the public face of the party? McConnell is old news at a time when the party needs a fresh face. Hugh Hewitt disagrees writing that McConnell will be a SUPERB minority leader. With all due respect, that is the ultimate in insider opinion. For people who aren’t rabid political junkies like us, McConnell means more of the same from the GOP, another tired old face.

Trent Lott? Please. Who could be worse in a leadership position? Lott was one of the most vocal opponents of the spending and earmark reform movement.

Who can forget his infamous quote about the reformist Porkbusters,

“I’ll just say this about the so-called porkbusters. I’m getting damn tired of hearing from them. They have been nothing but trouble ever since Katrina. We in Mississippi have not asked for more than we deserve. We’ve been very reasonable.”

Recent guest on Pundit Review Radio Dean Barnett, also blogging at Hugh Hewitt, sums it up well in a post Lott back on Top,

Trent Lott has won the number two job among Republicans in the Senate! Whoopee! If thereâ??s one message that the electorate sent the Republican Party last week, itâ??s that we hadnâ??t given them enough of Trent Lott. I cannot adequately express my delight that Senate Republicans have moved with such expediency to right this egregious wrong.

Mary Katherine Ham thinks both sides are crazy, here is a new Ham Nation video called The Dysfunctional Exes of American Politics

Both sides have their problems, but I think today’s House vote by the Dems is one giant leap forward for the Democrats and so far, more of the same from the GOP.