Would it be the end of the world is the Dems take one house next week? I don’t think so. In fact, I think it would be the best thing that could happen to the GOP. If you believe that 2008 is far more important than 2006, as I do, then it is better for the GOP in so many ways. Here are my top three reasons,

1. The GOP Congress has been pitiful. Better than a Democrat Congress, but totally off mission from the 1994 group that took over. Granted, the House has been better than the Senate, but that is damning with faint praise. They need a shock to the system, to wake them up and remind them of what they were in 1994 and what they have become. They’ve become the same thing that happens to all parties in power too long…arrogant, bloated and scandal plagued, ethically challenged and beholden to special interests.

Instapundit has the list of transgressions.

2. Let the country to get a nice full plate of Nancy and the Gang for two years leading up to the next presidential cycle. Chairmen Dinngell, Conyers, Hastings, the hearings, the histrionics, the hypocrisy. Let’s give this gang some of the sunshine they long for. It can only be good for the GOP. They have been out of power so long, they are bound to overreach, to be too cute by half to fumble away any opportunity that is given them. In other words, they will be the same people they have been these past two years as the GOP has handed them one gift after another, none of which they have been able to fully, or even partially take advantage of.

3. The above serving of Nancy and the Gang will damage St. Hillary’s campaign for 2008, which at the moment appears to be a steamroller. Moderate Dem. Mark Warner from Virginia has already dropped out because of his own potential for bimbo eruptions. John Kerry, who had no chance to begin with, has committed career suicide, at least at the national level. If he wants it, the people in this state will keep sending him back to the senate for another 35 years, ala Ted K. Sure, there is Barak Obama, but is he really ready? Does he really want to take on Hillary? I don’t think so.

Let’s summarize: teach them a lesson, show the country the alternative and damage Hillary’s chances in 2008. That is enough for me to secretly root for Nancy and the Gang.