One of the most respected men in the new media, Bill Roggio, is back as an embedded reporter in Iraq. Bill has earned that respect from his years of writing, reporting and analyzing a host of military topics. He is the perfect combination that makes the best blogs great, a passionate, articulate, subject matter expert.

The Military and The Media

In nearly every conversation, the soldiers, Marines and contractors expressed they were upset with the coverage of the war in Iraq in general, and the public perception of the daily situation on the ground. The felt the media was there to sensationalize the news, and several stated some reporters were only interested in â??blood and guts.â? They freely admitted the obstacles in front of them in Iraq. Most recognized that while we are winning the war on the battlefield, albeit with difficulties in some areas, we are losing the information war. They felt the media had abandoned them.

Support courageous patriots like Bill by visiting their blogs and making a donation. Don’t forget Michael Yon and Michael Fumento.

Back in June, Bill joined us live from Afghanistan along with Matt from Blackfive for a discussion on the situation on the ground, Haditha, and the role of Iran and Russia in the war on terror. You can download the interview from iTunes by searching for Pundit Review Podcast, or you can click here.