After a month off because of a combination of holidays and Celtics games, Pundit Review Radio is back on Boston’s Talk Station WRKO this Sunday evening at 7pm EST.

We will be all over the Iraq issue, starting right out of the gate with one of our favorite guests, Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, author of Never Quit the Fight.

By Ralph Peters

As for the Democrats in Congress, they can’t continue whining that they support our troops while threatening to cut off funding for those in uniform in wartime. They should be ashamed of themselves for even hinting at such a course of action.

What does the president’s plan have going for it? A sound tactical concept for security in Baghdad; significant Iraqi commitments (we’ll see what they’re worth); an overdue integration of Provincial Reconstruction Teams – the moneybags guys – into our combat units; a core of genuine Iraqi patriots; a refreshingly tough stance with Iran and Syria, and an extremely capable American commander en route to Baghdad, Gen. Dave Petraeus.

There are no guarantees that this plan will work, but it deserves a chance. Surrender isn’t a strategy, and cowardice won’t save us from the deadly threats we face.

The president’s new plan will have a painful human cost. But the cost of defeat would be incalculably higher.

Our president deserves our support. One last time.

At 8pm, Hollywood producer turned Iraq documentary filmmaker Pat Dollard, a ballsy guy who embedded with the troops in Iraq and was injured twice in combat. Last time Pat was on Pundit Review Radio, we received our most memorable call EVER, from Susan, an Army wife and mother.

At 9pm, our weekly collaboration with Matt Burden and Blackfive to bring his series Someone You Should Know to the radio. Immediately following Someone You Should Know, the one and only Michael Yon will be joining us from somewhere in Iraq.

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What is Pundit Review Radio?

Pundit Review Radio is where the old media meets the new. Each week Kevin and Gregg give voice to the work of the most influential leaders in the new media/citizen journalist revolution. Hailed as â??Groundbreakingâ? by Talkers Magazine, this unique show brings the best of the blogs to your radio every Sunday evening from 7-10pm EST on AM680 WRKO, Bostonâ??s Talk Leader.