How out of touch and pathetic is Nancy Pelosi? The nation’s leading liberal newspapers are ripping her plan for Iraq to shreds. With her and the always embarrassing John Murtha leading the way, they continue to be the best asset the GOP has going for it in Washington. Just as I predicted before the election,

Let the country to get a nice full plate of Nancy and the Gang for two years leading up to the next presidential cycle. Chairmen Dinngell, Conyers, Hastings, the hearings, the histrionics, the hypocrisy. Let’s give this gang some of the sunshine they long for. It can only be good for the GOP. They have been out of power so long, they are bound to overreach, to be too cute by half to fumble away any opportunity that is given them. In other words, they will be the same people they have been these past two years as the GOP has handed them one gift after another, none of which they have been able to fully, or even partially take advantage of.

Los Angeles Times: Do we really need a Gen. Pelosi?

AFTER WEEKS OF internal strife, House Democrats have brought forth their proposal for forcing President Bush to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq by 2008. The plan is an unruly mess: bad public policy, bad precedent and bad politics. If the legislation passes, Bush says he’ll veto it, as well he should.

Washington Post: The Pelosi Plan for Iraq

The only constituency House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ignored in her plan for amending President Bush’s supplemental war funding bill are the people of the country that U.S. troops are fighting to stabilize. The Democratic proposal doesn’t attempt to answer the question of why August 2008 is the right moment for the Iraqi government to lose all support from U.S. combat units. It doesn’t hint at what might happen if American forces were to leave at the end of this year — a development that would be triggered by the Iraqi government’s weakness. It doesn’t explain how continued U.S. interests in Iraq, which holds the world’s second-largest oil reserves and a substantial cadre of al-Qaeda militants, would be protected after 2008; in fact, it may prohibit U.S. forces from returning once they leave.

In short, the Democratic proposal to be taken up this week is an attempt to impose detailed management on a war without regard for the war itself.

If you don’t believe these noted members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, watch for yourself,

As Blackfive said, “Wow. What. A. Trainwreck.”