How devastating would success in Iraq be for the Democrats? So much so that they won’t even consider the possibility. What a sad, pathetic state of affairs.

ABC News: Pelosi to skip briefing by General Petraeus

WASHINGTON, Apr. 24, 2007— As the House and Senate prepare to vote this week on the final conference report on the $124 billion troop funding bill — which would also mandate that U.S. combat troops begin withdrawing from Iraq on Oct. 1 at the latest — Gen. David Petraeus is scheduled to come to the Hill tomorrow to brief lawmakers on the progress of the recent troop escalation.

ABC News has learned, however, that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., will not attend the briefing.

“She can’t make the briefing tomorrow,” a Democratic aide told ABC News Tuesday evening. “But she spoke with the general via phone today at some length.”

Must be a botox day. At least Harry Reid will attend. He won’t listen, but he will attend.

CNN’s Dana Bash: Gen.Petraeus is coming to the Hill to report on and make it clear to you that there is progress going on in Iraq and that the surge is working. Will you believe him if he says that?

Harry Reid: No, I don’t believe him because its not happening.

Watch for yourself.

This is even more offensive than his “war is lost” comment from last week. This is an abdication of their duty. These Democrat leaders are unworthy of their position and the mighty responsibility that goes along with it.

Not a single senator, Harry Reid included, voted against Gen. Petraeus when they had the chance. Instead, they sent him unanimously to Iraq to implement his surge plan. Now, they withhold funding and refuse to listen to his reports from the field. Wasn’t it the Democrats who have been saying for years that we need to listen to the generals?

Oh, I see, that was then and this is now. As Greyhawk of The Mudville Gazette reminds us, the Democrats are now General Shopping. That was last year when they were demanding more troops in Iraq. Now they are hyping generals who support their new bumper sticker slogan of “Transition the Mission”. Silly me, sometimes it’s hard to keep track.

I got a bumper sticker for you Harry,

Vote Democrat in 2008l
