Michael Yon is back with another brutal assessment of the military public affairs office. If you believe that we are losing the media and information war, you are correct. Unfortunately, we have to look at our own military for a large share of the blame.

RUBS (Raw Unedited, Barely Spellchecked)

People at home who lament not knowing how their loved-ones are doing should write to their Representatives and Senators; it doesn’t seem likely that this problem is going to be fixed from within the system. It’s going to take outside influence because the military system has invested so heavily in being professional-media-victims. Even some obvious and easy fixes, mentioned here recently, and others offered in much greater detail at the Military Reporters and Editors website, are not being implemented. The military is doing nothing systematically to fix the problem. If our combat forces fought the way we fight the media war, we would all be dead.

Read the entire post here.

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