Mitt Romney had this to say today in about the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance “Reform” bill:

The American people should be able to exercise their First Amendment rights without having to think about hiring a lawyer. But that is the direction in which we are headed. In 2004, the non-profit group Wisconsin Right to Life wanted to run grassroots radio and television ads urging people in the state to contact their Senators (which the ads mentioned by name) and ask them to oppose the ongoing filibusters of President Bush’s judicial nominees. A provision in McCain-Feingold, however, was used to argue that the ads were illegal. Rendering a verdict on what constitutes acceptable political speech is something for voters – not judges – to decide.

Aside from the fact that I believe that Romney carefully and strategically focused on McCain-Feingold in an effort to pick up support from McCain supporters (since Romney is not doing too well in the polls these days), I agree with Romney. He is 100% correct on McCain-Feingold being the biggest violation of core 1st Amendment political speech in our nation’s history.

But let’s face it, when it comes to violating the “rights” of individual citizens, Romney doesn’t really have a stellar track record himself.

He left the Commonwealth of Mass, of which I am a resident tax paying citizen, with a socialist style health-care system (ROMNEYCARE) and Gay Marriage, which he had the authority to stop, but chose not to. Mass is also one of only about 3 states whose residents (individuals and businesses) continue to flee to other more family and business friendly states because of high taxes, got regulations, and a hubristic and tyrannical state government. And Romney did little if anything to ameliorate it.

But the real reason I oppose Romney is that he is going around the country intentionally deceiving voters about who he is and what he believes. As I have said many times, he is a Republican John Kerry.

At least Giuliani is honest about what he believes in his core.(gay marriage, abortion on demand/tax payer funded abortions, gun control)

Romney is the epitome of a slick politician. His lack of integrity and character alone should disqualify him from being president.

It’s one thing to change your “mind” on an issue. But it’s another to change your mind, and then change it again a few years later, and again a few months later, and then again a year later as Romney did on one single issue-abortion- for example.

Being honest about whom you are and what you believe still matters right?