March 5, 2007
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

“…I don’t think anyone can find a war that this country was engaged in where the funds were cut off. No one is talking about cutting off the funds.”

Uhhh, Harry, ever meet John Kerry? He was in Vietnam, you might have heard. The Democrats cut off funds then, even if you’re too embarrassed to admit it now.

April 2, 2007
Reid May Move to Cut Iraq War Funds

WASHINGTON (AP) – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday he wants to cut off money for the Iraq war next year, making clear for the first time that Democrats are willing to pull out all the stops to end U.S. involvement.

Will the Democrats actually cut off funding to appease the moonbats who have hijacked their party? They can’t stand up to the Kos Crazies, you can forget about Al Qaeda.

Rep. Sylvestre Reyes, the buffoon who doesn’t know Shiite from Shinola but knows enough to be named by Nancy Pelosi as chair of the House Intelligence Committee, has shown the way. He was for the surge when it was all talk, and then against it when it became time for action.

In December, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Silvestre Reyes stated, “We have to consider the need for additional troops to be in Iraq, to take out the militias and stabilize Iraq … I would say 20,000 to 30,000-for the specific purpose of making sure those militias are dismantled, working in concert with the Iraqi military.”
Newsweek, December 5, 2006

Chairman Reyes, however, has changed his tune. “We don’t have the capability to escalate even to this minimal level.”…Reyes, who met with Bush on Tuesday to review the plan, said sending more troops removes any incentive the Iraqi government had to take responsibility for the safety of its own citizens.
El Paso Times, January 11, 2007

Are these profiles in courage the next to flip flop?

Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY):
“I do not support cutting funding for American troops.”

Sen. Carl Levin(D-MI):
“We’re not going to cut off funding to the troops … no one wants to do that.”

Sen. Barbara Boxer(D-CA):
“I don’t know of any senator who would cut off funds for troops in the field.”

Sen. Amy Klobuchar(D-MN):
“I don’t think we should be pulling back any funds.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein(D-CA):
“Yes, the congress could cut off the funds. But the congress will not do that because our men and women are in harm’s way.”

Sen. Bill Nelson(D-FL):
“U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson ( D-FL ) today made clear his intention to oppose measures he sees as possibly undermining U.S. troops, like cutting funds… […] Nelson said today he’ll oppose efforts to cut off funding.”

Let us not forget that these same people voted unanimously, 81-0, to approve Lt. Gen. David Petraeus back in January. Now, Petraeus surge plan is being implemented and there are early signs of progress, despite the fact that all the troops are not yet in place. Why didn’t they express their displeasure when it mattered, and vote against Petraeus? Why didn’t a single one of them do that? Now they want to pull the rug out from under Petraeus, every service member in Iraq and 26 million Iraqi citizens.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the war is a domestic political weapon to the Democrats, nothing more.

Hat Tip: The Corner