Fred Thompson is expected to announce his candidacy any day now. And as I said a few weeks back, I believe that he is the closest the GOP has to the greatest president of the 20th century Ronald Reagan.

He has not spent a dime and is already within the margin of error of Rudy who is in a nosedive. Unlike Mitt who is a Republican John Kerry Flip Flopping Mass Liberal, Senator Thompson is solidly conservative across the board. I do have some concerns on his support for McCain-Feingold, funding for the NEA- which no taxpayer should have to fund, and affirmative action which many consider govt endorsed racism.

That being said, he will have plenty of time to clairfy these positions in the months to come. For me he will need to, especially with regard to McCain-Feingold which I consider to be one of the most anti-republican pieces of legislation ever signed into law. But on the main issues of lower taxes, limited government, federalism, free trade, traditional family values (his support for a marriage amendment) , the war on Islamofascism, illegal immigration, and his 100% pro life voting record as senator, Fred is right on the money.

And as we will discuss tonight on the radio show, Senator Thompson has demonstrated that he knows how to leverage the New Media to advance his message and campaign as this clip from YouTube shows:

Unless there is somebody else out there who enters the race later who is more conservative than Fred, he is my man.