8 Questions Rudy Giuliani Needs to Answer
GrassTopsUSA Guest Commentary
By Gregg Jackson

1. Illegal Immigration: Mr. Guiliani, during a recent interview on Hannity & Colmes you failed to answer whether you supported construction of the 700-mile long border fence authorized under the Secure Fence Act of 2006. You said you supported a “technological” fence. What about an actual physical barrier? You also stated during the same interview that you thought “there has to be regularization for the people that are here (illegal aliens)…” Is it fair to assume then that as president you would support legislation similar to the Kennedy-McCain bill that would have provided amnesty to the 12-20 million illegal aliens in this country currently?

2. Gun Control: During an interview on the Charlie Rose Show on May 31, 1995 you implied that the NRA was an “extremist” organization in opposing some of the gun control laws you support such as the Brady Bill and so-called Assault Weapons Ban. Why should the 90 million gun owners and the 4 million members of the NRA support you for president given your consistent support of gun control laws including your support for written tests for all gun owners? Also, can you explain how stricter gun control laws reduce crime, since criminals don’t abide by the law anyway?

3. Roe v Wade: During a recent presidential debate you stated that it “would be okay” if Roe v. Wade were overturned. But you also stated that it would be ok if “a strict-constructionist judge” viewed Roe as a precedent. I’m confused. Which is it? As president, would it be your wish to see Roe overturned or not?

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