
It’s always a great experience when you meet someone who you have admired from a distance and they turn out to be a really nice person. I had that experience last night.

Jed Babbin, editor of Human Events, former deputy undersecretary of defense in the first Bush administration, joined us to discuss his eye opening new book In the Word’s of Our Enemies.

Years before September 11, our enemy warned us–and we weren’t listening. We are being warned today–by enemies like Iran, North Korea, and radicals and terrorists across the globe–but we are still not listening. Sounding the alarm is bestselling author Jed Babbin (former deputy undersecretary of defense), who exposes the demagogues, dictators, and death squads openly threatening America–with potentially devastating consequences, if we aren’t alert to the danger.

One person who hasn’t read the book, but really should, is Barack Obama,

“We cannot win a war against the terrorists if we’re on the wrong battlefield. America must urgently begin deploying from Iraq and take the fight more effectively to the enemy’s home by destroying al-Qaida’s leadership along the Afghan-Pakistan border, eliminating their command and control networks and disrupting their funding.”

As Jed discussed at length last night, and in even greater detail in the book, most people agree that Iraq is the central front in the war on terror. Osama does. Ayman al-Zawahiri does. Abu Musab Zarqawi did. Everyone does, except the Democrats.

Powerline pointed us to a tremendous post by John Wixted of Back Talk, who describes himself this way,

I am a professor at a research university, a registered Democrat, a liberal by some measures, but a radical conservative relative to the large majority of my colleagues.

After laying out a devastating case citing the words and intentions of our enemies, he says,

On those rare occasions when Democrats do mention al Qaeda in Iraq, they generally say something like “Al Qaeda wasn’t even in Iraq before George Bush decided to invade that country.” Whether or not that is true, al Qaeda is there now, and they have an excellent plan to defeat us. The only question is whether or not you want to cooperate with that plan. I don’t, but that’s just me.

Barack is raising $10 million per month. He needs drop a twenty and buy Jed Babbin’s book.

All of our interviews are also available for download at iTunes and Podcast Alley via the Pundit Review Radio Podcast.

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