The Socialist-Democrats have been shouting from the rooftops that “We lost the War in Iraq.” Trying to replicate their success in Viet Nam where the Leftist anti-war politicians, activists, and those within the media told the American people that we lost (most notably lying about the VC’s victory in the Tet Offensive when it was actually a US Military Victory), Harry, Nancy, and the rest of the domestic insurgent Democrats (and to be fair a few linguine spined liberal Republicans) have been declaring defeat in Iraq for months now (actually for years) to dispirit public morale in an effort to ensure retreat and defeat-especially a defeat for the man who consumes their every thought George W. Bush.

But this time around we actually have an alternative media (blogs, independent citizen journalists who actually embed with the troops, talk radio, and cable) to provide a semblance of balance and fair reporting to the American people. It looks as though the scales are tipping in Iraq. And I for one am glad to see significant progress being made. As I have said before on many occasions, the only thing that can inhibit US Military victory in Iraq and elsewhere, is the left leaning media and politicians who are fully invested in our defeat in Iraq.

So for those of you libs who have been saying that no “progress” has been made in Iraq you may want to consider what is actually happening there.

My friend David Limbaugh has this piece in today’s

Very good news is coming out of Iraq. Not surprisingly, this hasn’t caused a change of heart among the Democratic leadership. It hasn’t even given them pause. One wonders if they are capable of hearing such news anymore.

The Times Online reports that Al Qaeda is facing rebellion from within its ranks. Fed up with being part of a group that cuts off a persons face with piano wire to teach others a lesson, dozens of low-level members of Al Qaeda are daring to become informants for the U.S. military in a hostile Baghdad neighborhood.

Some of these junior Al Qaeda members are said to be repulsed by the gratuitous, barbaric violence. One said, I am sick of it and I hate them, and I am done.

The good news doesn’t stop here. Al Qaeda is not only facing internal dissension, but evidence is also emerging that other ethnic forces formerly friendly to Al Qaeda are changing their tune. Iraqi locals are denying Al Qaeda the sanctuary they need to operate. Lt. Col Stephen Michael, commander of a 700-troop battalion in Doura, says, Al Qaeda’s days are numbered, and right now he is scrambling.

This news, says the Times, comes out of Doura. But it is part of a wider trend that has started in other Al Qaeda hot spots across the country and in which Sunni insurgent groups and tribal sheikhs have stood together with the coalition against the extremist movement.

rest here

The Left was wrong about the Bush Tax Cuts and now it is becoming increasingly apparent that they will be proven wrong on Iraq.

From the coalition of Shia and Sunni Shieks opposing AQ (brokered by the 1st Cavalry Div in Taji), to Falahal being totally calm, to Anbar province where violence in Ramadi has declined from 22 enemy incidents per week to 2/wk, to Baqouba where Operation Arrowhead Ripper has driven out 1000 AQ, to greater numbers of trained Iraqis fighting and dying, we are MAKING SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS IN IRAQ. GOT THAT HARRY? GOT IT NANCY? GOT THAT TEDDY AND JOHN “our troops are terrorizing women and children in Iraq” Kerry? Despite your overt and profoundly treacherous behavior we are winning. Now go back and do what you do best, go draft some legislation for raising taxes or expansion of some government entitlement program for illegals. Do whatever you have to but let the military do the job we have entrusted to them.