Is this how the Dems plan on making gas more affordable?

Last week a gallon of regular unleaded cost $2.83. Federal taxes account for 18.4 cents of that cost.

Jim Oberstar (D-Minn) — chairman of the House Transportation Committee — wants to raise that to 23.4 cents per gallon.

Rep. John Mica, the ranking Republican on Oberstar’s committee, said of the proposal “[a] knee-jerk reaction to the critical problem facing our transportation and infrastructure systems… .”

But wait. John Dingell who never met a tax hike he didn’t like is gonna see Oberstar’s 18.4 cents gas tax increase and raise him with a 72 cents a gallon increase of his own. He’ll be dammed if he’s gonna let Oberstar steal out tax him.

50 cents in direct federal taxes and a separate tax on carbon emissions amounting to an additional 22 cents.

Purportedly, the Democrats are proposing rasing federal gas taxes (which of course never effect the uber rich Senators like Kerry, Boxer, or Kennedy who travel around in their gas guzzling limos and private jets) to fund infrastructure (bridges, roads, etc…). Not that Dems need an excuse to rasie taxes. But they are using the tragic bridge collapse in Minnesota to do just that.

Let’s remember that in 1990 the federal govt warned Minnesota state authorities that the bridge was “structurally deficient.” Instead of spending tax money on fixing the bridge, they chose other pork projects recently noted by Rush Limbaugh such as:

a new $776 million Twins stadium to be paid for with a Hennepin County sales tax increase approved by state legislators with no voter referendum…”

“… $97.5 million for the North Star commuter rail line, $34 million in subsidies to ethanol producers that have seen a 300% increase in profits in the last year, and yet they’re still being subsidized,

“… $30 million for bear exhibits at the Minnesota and Como zoos,

“… $12 million to renovate the Schubert Theater in downtown Minneapolis,

“… one million for a replica Vikings ship in Morehead.”

Could the Democrat’s hypocracy on this issue be any more evident? They float wide-eyed paranoid conspiracy theories- about how Bush, halliburton, and Big Oil are conspiring to fix oil prices etc and what do they do to counteract higher prices for “average working Americans?” Well of course. They propose rasing the price of gas. Makes sense to me. Raising the price will no doubt make gas more affordable. It’s a “no-brainer.” Scarry part is, if Hillary becomes president, she would eagerly sign such a tax hike just like her husband did as one of their first official acts of their “two for the price of one” HillBilly co-presidency.