The Humanists were very candid in 1930 when C.F. Potter, founder of the N.Y. Humanist Society, proposed using your hard-earned tax dollars to destroy your religion and evangelize their religion. Think I’m kidding? Listen to what he wrote in his book “Humanism: a New Religion”:

“Education is a most powerful ally of Humanism & every American school is a school of Humanism. What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week, & teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of a five-day program of Humanistic religion teaching? So very Humanistic is modern education that no religion has a future unless it be Humanism. The religion of tomorrow in America & all the world may not be in all respects identical with the religious Humanism we are advocating in this book, but it will be mightily like it & of the same spirit.”

Now, take a minute to review the last National Education Association’s annaul convention hilights and ask yourself if C.F Potter’s plan (shared by John Dewey- the founder of American Public Schools and a fellow Humanist himself) isn’t being instituted by the NEA today in our government run schools.

The NEA Lists Its Goals And Democrats Agree

by Phyllis Schlafly, August 22, 2007

Some critics have complained that the issue of education has been conspicuously absent from presidential television debates. But the Democratic candidates did sound off with their pro-federal-government, pro-spending policies when addressing the annual convention of the National Education Association, and the nation’s largest teachers union liked what they heard.

Senator Hillary Clinton told the NEA delegates that she will fight school vouchers “with every breath in my body.” Reiterating the message of her book “It Takes a Village,” she called for universal preschool for four-year-olds.

Senator Barack Obama likewise inveighed against “passing out vouchers.” Former Senator John Edwards also announced his opposition to vouchers and proposed that the federal government pay college tuition for all students who will work ten hours a week.

After cheering the promises made by the candidates, NEA delegates buckled down to the serious business of spelling out their political goals, many of which have nothing whatever to do with giving schoolchildren a better education.

The NEA demands a tax-supported single-payer health-care plan (socialized medicine) for all residents (a word artfully chosen to include illegal aliens). The NEA supports immigration “reform” that “includes [note: this is a change from last year’s verb “may include”] a path to permanent residency, citizenship, or asylum” for illegal aliens.

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You see, the left’s mantra about “separation of church and state” which is in the Constitution- the Former Soviet Union’s and not ours- is meant to drive Christianity out of the public square in an effort to impose and establish their own Supreme Court recognized and tax payer subsidized religion of Secular Humanism on our society via the public schools . Humansim’s Founders (Potter and Dewey) said so publicly and the NEA has done everything in their power to make their vision a reality.