12 Questions for Hillary and Her Fellow Democrat-Socialists who Support “Universal Health Care” (aka Socialist Health Care)
GrassTopsUSA Guest Commentary
By Gregg Jackson

1. Our quasi-socialist health-care system in which the government pays almost half of all health-care costs (verses 12% of health-care costs paid out of pocket by individuals) is already killing and injuring Americans. Putting government in exclusive control of any service increases the costs and decreases the quality of the service provided. Why then would we want to put government in exclusive control of health-care as Hillary and the Democrats are proposing?
2. To those who say, “no American should go without health-care….” The U.S. Congress passed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act in 1986 which requires emergency rooms to treat any person who shows up seeking medical treatment, regardless of their ability to pay or whether they are a legal US citizen or an illegal alien. So, which citizens are you referring to that “go without” health-care?

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