Our friend Matt Burden from Blackfive was invited to the White House for an hour long meeting with President Bush. Many of our milblogging friends were in attendance, including Bill Roggio and Bill Ardolino, who are both back in Iraq, reporting from the front lines.

Blackfive: The Day I Met The President of the United States

It made four years of slugging away at telling the truth, four years of having my life and my family threatened, four years of listening to lies go unanswered about my brothers and sisters in combat (except by us), four years of spending valuable time and money in defense of something that should not need my presence…ah, you get the idea.

For an hour today, it made it all worth it. He just wanted to say “Thanks, friend.”

…I’m flying back to Chicago and spending a night out with Mrs. Blackfive who spends enough time without her husband (even with Presidential requests for meetings). I need to tell her “Thank you.” for letting me do what I do.

Congratulations Matt, and thank you for everything you do. I know it is even more than people realize. You are someone to be admired and we are grateful for the friendship we have with you.