
From Move America Forward,

Mark this day down folks. It was Wednesday, October 17, 2007 that hundreds of pro-troop supporters turned out for a giant pro-troop rally in Berkeley, CA (one of the most anti-military & anti-war cities in this nation). Not only did the size of the rally shock the San Francisco Bay Area news media, it surprised the anti-war activists at Code Pink who were outnumbered on their own turf!.

Move America Forward and other pro-troop organizations and leaders put on a pro-troop rally to counter the harassment of the U.S. Marine Recruiting Center by Code Pink in Berkeley.

For 3 weeks the U.S. Marine Recruiting Center has faced protests (including vandalism and defacing of their building) and taunts against the Marines that they were “traitors” and “liars” and “murderers” and guilty of “assassination.”

Move America Forward is chaired by Melanie Morgan and Buzz Patterson, friends of the program,

Melanie Morgan on her latest book American Mourning,

Lieutenant Colonel Robert “Buzz” Patterson joined us to discuss his latest book War Crimes,

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