The debate over universal healthcare will be the #1 issue, sadly, in the presidential election cycle. Sigh. We got a glimpse into our future this week through the eyes, er, the teeth of the British,

People with toothache are resorting to pulling their own teeth because they cannot find a NHS dentist, a study out today says. Almost a fifth of those questioned in the biggest patient survey of its kind said that they had missed out on dental work because of the cost.

Ah, the beauty of government run healthcare. Well, Al Gore is speaking out now on how universal healthcare is a “right” for all Americans. Really? I don’t seem to see that anywhere in here?

Anyway, I digress. Al Gore is truly a political genius. In exactly TEN seconds, he demonstates why government run universal healthcare would be an unmitigated disaster.

“I strongly support universal single-payer government-provided or government-funded health care”

“Single payer” and “government funded”…sounds so nice…so inexpensive…unless you already know that anything that is “government funded” is actually funded by OUR TAXES. It’s not REALLY single payer OR government funded. IT’S OUR MONEY AL.

The upside of government sponsored univesal healthcare is that it does help the citizenry develop that can-do attitude, that “I can do anything I set my mind to” spirit that defines the American dream. I mean, if the Brits can learn that in order to have their teeth fixed, they just need to pull out themselves…This type of entrepreneurial, can-do spirit could really propel the USA forward in the new millenium.