I will admit that Fred Thompson looked pretty tired and at some points nervous during the debate this week and I said so in numerous interviews when I was asked for my opinion on him this week. We are a year out but I believe that he is the closest the GOP has to wearing the Reagan mantle. And as I said many months ago, I believe he will win the nomination and beat Hillary next Novemeber. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. If you have not heard Senator Thompson speak check this speech out last month in Michigan. Judge for yourself. Having heard the other candidates speak numerous times, I believe that Thompson articulates the main objectives of conservatism the best- preserving America from totalitarian Islamic Jihadists intent on destroying America and Western Civilization and preserving American sovereignty from Democrat-Socialists who seek to transform our nation into a Socialist nation and drag us into world government. This guy doesn’t “sugar coat” his message. Exactly the right type of leadership at just the right time in America. I will continue to watch and listen. But I like what I hear from him so far.

Part 1

Part 2

Peter Mulhern also has this piece in Real Clear Politics today entitled, “Why Fred Thompson Will Win”

Thompson’s commitment to governmental modesty makes him the only serious candidate for president who isn’t part of the bipartisan Party of Government. He is the only candidate qualified to build on the success of Ronald Reagan and the only candidate who can counter the Democrat drive for more socialism, particularly as it applies to health care.

Reagan turned America away from the socialist morass of the 1930’s and reconnected us with our deepest political traditions. He reminded us that we don’t want a government, let alone a President, to run the country. Unfortunately, his successors never understood this essential pillar of Reagan’s success. When George W. Bush perpetrated the atrocious statement that “when somebody hurts government has got to move,” the Republican break with Reagan was complete.

Fred Thompson isn’t Ronald Reagan. But he can restore the Republican Party to Reagan’s default settings. He can make the GOP once again the party of the American Revolution and distinguish it sharply from the party of the French, Russian, Chinese, and Cuban Revolutions.