
NBC News anchor Brian Williams is hosting tonight. Here’s the self-important Williams on his star turn tonight,

“The rules are changing quickly,” he says. “No one should worry my stewardship of journalism at NBC is any different. This is my night off. This is clearly labeled a comedy-variety show.”

Phew, thank God for that. I was nervous there for a minute.

Normally this wouldn’t even hit my radar, but when it comes to Williams and SNL, who can forget his disgraceful performance last fall in Boston, when he stood up nearly every living hero who has been awarded the Medal of Honor in order to appear in a lame sketch on SNL.

FLASHBACK: Brian Williams Dishonorable Discharge

NBC Nightly News nabob Brian Williams came under fire yesterday after he reportedly beat a hasty retreat from his MC duties at the Congressional Medal of Honor Society soiree in Boston to appear on Saturday Night Live.

One event participant griped to the Track that the newsie was there for the reception, then kicked off the program around 7:30 and was out of there by 8:30.

And shortly after 11:30, Williams was Live from New York!

Six months ago, we’re told, the NBC anchorman had re-upped to host the annual Patriot Awards gala that honored, in addition to the 61 medal-wearing war heroes, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace.

“You think the man in charge of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan had somewhere else to be than in Boston that night,” groused another fired-up dinner guest. Ooh, ouch.

As we noted at the time,

Nice priorities Brian. A two minute segment on a dead TV show that nobody watches over hanging with the majority of living recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, not to mention the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I guess when your competition is Katie Couric, you can afford to act like a self-absorbed, pompous ass.

Break a leg Brian.