My article published in today’s Washington Times

What do Rosie O’Donnell and a Mitt Romney campaign strategist have in common? Both have compared evangelicals with the September 11 terrorists. And both have characterized evangelicals as narrow-minded, bigoted, intolerant hypocrites.

We understand why Rosie says these things. But what’s with Gary L. Jarmin? He is vice chairman of the Romney for President “Faith and Values” Committee and he wrote these things in a Nov. 20 online edition of The Washington Times titled “Hypocrisy pitfall on the campaign trail.”

Surreal as it seems, this is part of a larger Romney campaign strategy. For most of this year, Romniacs have been pointing the finger at the GOP base and accusing them of bigotry for not being interested in Mitt. Among the most prominent Romniacs are talk show hosts Hugh Hewitt and Sean Hannity, who have been calling evangelical noninterest in Mr. Romney ugly bigotry again and again. Ugly bigotry? Excuse me?

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