“Romney Secrets The Media Are Hiding From You” Townhall.com
By Gregg Jackson

I am a co-host of a Boston talk radio show “Pundit Review Radio.” My co-author, Paul, is a thirty year Boston journalist.

We recently authored a Townhall.com article on an Evangelical theologian who endorsed Mr. Romney and how historically unprecedented that endorsement was. Hundreds of angry people responded to that article- many of whom called us “bigots.”

As long as Mitt Romney keeps America focused on his religion, he may win the upcoming January primaries.

But as soon as Americans are able to penetrate the religion smokescreen and see his governor’s record, voters may think twice.

The media – liberal and conservative – have been a willing co-conspirator in keeping Mitt’s governing record a secret. Am I suggesting the Romney campaign deliberately focused America on his being a Mormon to hide his record as governor? You decide.

For your edification, here’s the real Mitt Romney.

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