Image from streetcow.com

January 31, 2008
ABC News
Clinton Remained Silent As Wal-Mart Fought Unions

In six years as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, between 1986 and 1992, Hillary Clinton remained silent as the world’s largest retailer waged a major campaign against labor unions seeking to represent store workers.

Here’s what I wrote on February 14, 2006, a Valentine to Hillary if you will,

Hillary’s Hypocrisy Problem: Today’s issue is Wal-Mart

Hillary wants us to believe that she has “serious differences with current company practices” yet those practices remain the same as they were when she was on the board of directors. WalMart was good for young Hillary, gave her credibility and opportunity, not to mention generous heapings of cash and stock.

To say that Hillary is in a no win situiation with regard to WalMart is an understatement. Pathetic, half baked answers like she can’t recall differences she aired as a company director, and returning campaign cash from a comapny on whose board she so proudly served, are not going to cut it, with her own base, or anyone else for that matter.

If you want to understand the kind of kinetic growth Wal-Wart was going through during her tenure on the board, read this post.

In a May 19, 2007 follow-up post, I asked,

How will Hillary answer questions about Wal-Mart from the left wing activists? How will she respond to union members questions about Wal-Mart’s anti-union policies when she is confronted on the campaign trail?

And finally, on November 13, 2007 I wondered aloud,

Wal-Mart and Hillary Clinton; when will she be pressed on this?

Why has Hillary been able to avoid this topic during the campaign? I would think union-loving Democrats would be outraged. I would think “big business is evil” Democrats would be outraged? I would think Wal-Mart killed Mom and Pop store Democrats would be outraged?

To summarize? Where’s the outrage from these traditional Democrat constituencies?

Ed. note: Maybe Hillary has too many other problems as a candidate that they haven’t gotten around to this?

Between this story, and the blockbuster in the New York Times today about a sleazy business deal involving her co-president, Hillary could be looking at a looooooooooong evening tonight as she and Barack face off in last debate before Super Tuesday.