Michelle Malkin is no stranger to hate mail from unhinged liberals. Today, she shares a rather amusing tale. Seems she received the following email correspondence,

Michelle Malkin,

I bet we could make your cry for real. Force you to eat a hamburger.

I often wonder what will happen when we progressive liberal adults take back our country.

The adults will stop wars for oil,
Everyone will have health care.
Everyone will have a roof over their heads.
Everyone will have a voice in our government.
Everyone will pay equal taxes.

The Republican Party will be a quaint memory to tell our children about.

The best part is someday you will die of anorexia or choke to death on your own purging. That’s my dream.

Thank you,
Joe Roppe
Stevens Point, WI

Pretty standard boilerplate when it comes to Malkin hate mail. That is, until Michelle decided to look this Joe Roppe character up. Turns out, Joe Roppe wrote a letter to the editor of his local paper ten days ago. Care to guess the topic?


Cyberbullying is a tactic some people use to anonymously attack those they disagree with using the Internet through email or on message boards. It can include threats on a person’s life, sexual remarks, pejorative labels such as hate speech all of which are intended to harm others.

Since the Internet gives people a semblance of anonymity, they can act more aggressively than they would face-to-face. You should not reply to threatening emails or negative postings on a website. Even if you do, this is not justification for an unstable person to fly into a rage and step over the line.

Congratulations Joe Roppe, the pride of Stevens Point, WI, you are now a member of the Moonbat Hypocrite Hall of Fame.