From our friend Michael Medved’s Townhall Blog:

To all those who claim that the Mittster is the person most likely to beat Hillary or Obama in November you may want to check out the latest polling. Seems as though you may have it backwards.

Posted by: Michael Medved at 4:47 AM
This weekend, CNN released results of general election trial heats, pitting each of the four leading Republican candidates for President against both of the leading Democrats.

The unmistakable message from this national exercise (surveying 840 voters on January 9 and 10th) is that Mitt Romney unequivocally qualifies as the weakest candidate the G.O.P. could field.

In the head-to-head contest with Barack Obama he is utterly wiped out, losing by a margin of 22 points (59% to 37%). Against Hillary Clinton, Romney fares little better, falling 18 percentage points behind (58% to 40%).

The results for other candidates show that this is a Romney problem, not a Republican problem.

rest here

Aside from the fact that Slick Willard Romney is the most left wing of all the candidates (in spite of the conservative campaign rhetoric and purchased conservative endorsements) and the most dishonest, I have been consistently opposed to his being the nominee because, as I have argued for many months, he is the most unpragmatic choice come November to beat any of the Democrat Socialists.